Best Growing Conditions For Blueberry Plants

If you want to grow blueberries don't choose a variety that is difficult to grow or needs special care. There are plenty of varieties know to grow well, are disease resistant, and yield large berries and bumper crops. Bluejay, Collins and Bluecrop are three types recommended for new gardeners and berry growers.

Growing blueberries can be an excellent way to get exercise while providing family and friends with great tasting berries. Blueberries are tart yet sweet and make a great addition to pies, deserts and stand-alone treats. In this article will cover different varieties known to be hardy and produce large, delicious berries.

Next, you'll be given suggestion on how to plant the berries so they have the best chance of survival and berry development. Once the plants are settled you want to keep them healthy and growing. That's where fertilizing the plants come in play. And it's a important step often overlooked and neglected. You'll discover how to fertilizer blueberries and learn other useful tips to make growing blueberries an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Different varieties of blueberries.
If you want to grow blueberries don't choose a variety that is difficult to grow or needs special care. There are plenty of varieties know to grow well, are disease resistant, and yield large berries and bumper crops. Bluejay, Collins and Bluecrop are three types recommended for new gardeners and berry growers.

Ideal condition for growing blue berries.
Many plants can adapt to different soil types and conditions. The blueberry plant however, has a specific soil type that it loves. What is it you ask? It needs acidic, well-drained soil, with high amounts of organic matter. When growing blueberries you want the soil PH to stay 4.5 to 5.2. Test kits are available online.

Placing the plant into the ground.
Sandy soils will need organic material added. This material should be mixed in at a depth of one foot. The planting hole should be at least six inches deep. Adding compost or peat moss into the hole will help the growing blueberries become more plentiful.

Right and wrong methods of fertilizing the plant.

To get the most out of your growing blueberry plant, proper fertilizing is key. These berries are sensitive to nitrogen. Too much fertilizer can kill young plants. The first application of fertilizer should be applied after eight weeks of growth. A fertilizer for acid loving plants such as camellia and azaleas is recommended.

Random blueberry growing tips:
* Grow the plants in full sun.
* A taste test is the best way to find out if the berries are ripe.
* Pick the berries by gently rolling with the thumb into the palm of the hand.
* Two to five weeks is the average time for blueberries to ripen.
The tips we just covered will get you started growing blueberries quickly, easily and will minimize setback. Get started today and enjoy the satisfying goodness of the highly nutritious blueberry fruit.

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